About Me

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My name is Amy and I'm a 17 (almost 18...) year old student who is about to begin her double degree in Teaching/Arts (Secondary). I absolutely cannot wait and will thrust myself into said course with such enthusiasm one would think I had been trumpeted from the snout of an enormous elephant. I love to imagine alternate realitys, if something had happened, or hadn't happened... what would our world be like? I love to read and watch movies- especially texts that make you think, that inspire. I am what most would call a christian, however considering the negative connotations I shy away from such a term. I prefer to name myself as a God lover. I love God, I follow Him, I follow His son. Why? Because I have faith and I believe.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

please explain

Hello loyal (ie. nonexistant) readers! This is my first blog on this particular blogging site, and it shall be a chronical of my university life. It will detail my highs and lows, my loves and hates any romances, any dramas, any hardships, anything and everything. The name "the subjunctive life" comes from a scene in one of my favourite movies- The History Boys- in which two characters are discussing the concept of the subjunctive history- the mood used when something may or may not happen. So, therefore, this period of my life, of extreme change and extreme indecision is a perfect example of the subjunctive. But one thing is for sure- this is going to be fun...

Read my profile for my stats, I'll do a quiz here next post- but now, I just need to have a nap...

Life is good.